The Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) provides flexible funding that may be used by states and localities to best address their transportation needs. Each year, STBG funding is provided to states as a lump sum, with the total amount determined by a calculation as provided for in law. Natural infrastructure projects are an eligible use of funds. States may transfer 50% of their technical assistance funds from their STBG funds to provide technical assistance for PROTECT grants. STBG is an apportioned (formula) program, which means the funds are only made available to the States by a formula contained in law, which is different than a discretionary grant program where eligible applicants may competitively seek funding through a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

Eligible Uses

Various construction activities, operational improvements, recreational trails, asset management planning, and may be used for various climate change adaptation activities relating to eligible highways and facilities, such as vulnerability assessments, climate change consideration in project development and construction, and evaluating climate change impacts as part of lifecycle cost assessments and asset management planning. Newly eligible projects include:

  • Natural Infrastructure
  • Construction, addition or retrofitting of wildlife crossings plus projects, and strategies to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, including project-related planning, design, construction, monitoring, and preventative maintenance

Eligible Recipients

States and local governments are eligible recipients.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

Roughly $14-15 billion from FY 2022-2026 is available for the program and is distributed to states and tribes via the Formula program.

Cost Share Requirements

Typically, an 80% federal share with a 20% non-federal match is required, except for projects on interstate systems (90% federal share) and certain states.

Application Cycle

The application is typically due in the 1st or 2nd quarter of the fiscal year, though this varies state-by-state.


Other Info

This program is covered under the Justice40 Initiative.