Through funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), this one-time program supports projects that build the resilience of coastal communities facing extreme weather, like hurricanes and storm surge, and other climate change impacts, like sea level rise and drought. This competitive program supports collaborative approaches, with an emphasis on risk reduction, regional collaboration, equity, and building enduring capacity.

Eligible Uses

  • Proposed projects should address risk reduction, regional collaboration, equity, and build enduring capacity for adaptation. Applicants can visit this resource to learn more. Projects may be submitted as Track One or Track Two projects.
    • Track One (Regional Collaborative Building and Strategy Development) projects should: (1) build and expand regional collaboratives; (2) engage and partner with marginalized, underserved, and underrepresented communities; (3) assess risk and vulnerability; (4) plan resilience strategies and adaptation actions, and (5) build community and workforce capacity for climate adaptation efforts.
    • Track Two (Implementation of Resilience and Adaptation Actions) projects should support activities such as: (1) acquiring vulnerable land; (2) building natural infrastructure; (3) hybrid green (natural) and gray (structural) construction activities; (4) strengthening or protecting public access to coastal natural resources; (5) building the region’s capacity for ongoing actions that increase resilience; (6) planning and preparing for community-led relocation; and (7) updating state and local codes and policies.

Eligible Recipients

Eligible entities who may apply include: coastal states, territories, counties, cities, Tribes, and Tribal Organizations; public or private nonprofit organizations; and institutions of higher education. 

Approx Annual Funding Amount

  • Total program funding is $575 million for 2023.
    • Track One (Regional Collaborative Building and Strategy Development) projects may receive between $500,000 to $2,000,000. Total funding available for Track One projects may be up to $25 million.
    • Track Two (Implementation of Resilience and Adaptation Actions) projects may receive between $15 million and $75 million, with most projects ranging between $25 million and $50 million. Total funding available for Track Two projects may be up to $550 million.

Cost Share Requirements

There is no matching requirement for this funding.

Application Cycle

  • Letter of intent due: August 21, 2023
  • Application due: February 13, 2024


Other Info

Technical Assistance (TA) is also available during the application period to help applicants navigate the application process. TA may include providing direct support, connecting to subject matter experts and resources, workforce development, supporting to convene partners, sharing lessons learned, and more. Applicants are encouraged to include known technical assistance needs for project implementation.