States, federally recognized tribal governments, and territories affected by fires that resulted in a Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) declaration on or after Oct. 5, 2018, are eligible to apply for this funding. This funding is available to assist communities implement wildfire hazard mitigation.

Eligible Uses

States, federally recognized tribes and territories affected by fires resulting in a Fires Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) declaration on or after Oct. 5, 2018 are eligible to apply. Projects are required to be cost-effective and can be analyzed using the Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) toolkit. Applicants also must have a FEMA-approved Mitigation Plan to receive funding. Examples of project types include wildfire mitigation, retrofitting infrastructure, post-wildfire flood prevention, and more. See additional examples here.

Eligible Recipients

States, federally recognized tribes, and territories affected by fires in a Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) declaration after Oct. 5, 2018 are eligible to apply. Federally recognized tribes and non-federally recognized tribes may apply as sub-applicants. Private nonprofits may act as sub-applicants if they own or operate a private nonprofit facility as defined in Section 102(11)(B) of the Stafford Act.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

The funding amount is calculated by FEMA based on the average historical FMAG declarations from the past 10 years and is recalculated every fiscal year. Applicants with an enhanced hazard mitigation plan are typically eligible for more funding compared to applicants with standard hazard mitigation plans.

Cost Share Requirements

HMGP Post Fire grants are available to all eligible applicants on a competitive basis, with the following cost-share: 75% federal share and 25% non-federal match. Recipients are eligible for up to 10% of the award amount for management costs and sub-recipients are eligible for up to 5% of the award amount for management costs. In-kind contributions are accepted.

Application Cycle

Application period opens with the state or territory’s first FMAG declaration of the fiscal year and closes six months after the end of that fiscal year. Extensions may be requested.


State Hazard Mitigation Officers