Groundwork USA is a partnership between the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Parks Service; their technical assistance program is designed to help clients pursuing brownfield redevelopment. It provides inclusive community engagement strategies, advises on site restoration approaches, assists in local partnership building, and coaches leaders to enact meaningful change in their communities.

Eligible Uses

  • Building equity and environmental justice into all phases of the brownfield redevelopment process.
  • Designing a community engagement strategy.
  • Vision building and implementing shared leadership models.
  • Setting, evaluating, and communicating progress on environmental justice and equitable development goals.
  • Integrating climate and community resilience into brownfield redevelopment plans.

Eligible Recipients

State and local governments are eligible recipients, along with U.S territories, tribal governments, individuals, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations. Businesses/for-profit institutions are eligible if they are part of a multi-stakeholder group with eligible recipients, but cannot be the lead recipient.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

The program is funded for approximately $200,000 each year.

Cost Share Requirements

There are no cost share requirements.

Application Cycle

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


Jalisa Gilmore, Manager of Equity and Resilience Programs (