The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers and non-industrial forest managers to address natural resource concerns and deliver environmental benefits such as improved water and air quality, conserved ground and surface water, increased soil health and reduced soil erosion and sedimentation, improved or created wildlife habitat, and mitigation against drought and increasing climate risks, like intensified flooding.

Eligible Uses

Numerous conservation practices are eligible for EQIP. Eligible practices vary and are developed in partnership between USDA and state governments.

Eligible Recipients

Individuals, tribal governments, for-profit businesses, non-profit organizations are all eligible recipients.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

$2 billion is available in FY 2023. The Inflation Reduction Act additionally invested $8.45 billion for EQIP.

Cost Share Requirements

EQIP incentive contracts vary in terms of payments and cost-share requirements but all:

  • Require producers to address at least one priority resource concern during the contract period
  • Have an initial length of five years
  • Have a maximum financial assistance payment of $450,000 through FY2023
  • Must have annual gross income of less than $900,000

Application Cycle

Application details vary by state and initiative.


For more information, contact your local service center through this database.

Other Info

This program is covered under the Justice40 Initiative.