The EPA’s Section 319(h) Grant Program is a program intended to help control nonpoint source pollution, which is pollution from runoff after a rain or snowfall, like fertilizer, pet waste, or toxic chemicals. The EPA provides funding to state governments, who each run state-level competitive grant programs.

Eligible Uses

This funding may be used to support a wide variety of activities that help reduce nonpoint source pollution, including:

  • Technical and financial assistance
  • Education and training
  • Technology transfer
  • Demonstration projects
  • Monitoring to assess the success of projects implemented under the grant 
  • Developing a watershed-based plan or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
  • Implementing a watershed-based plan or TMDL

Eligible Recipients

State, local, and tribal governments are eligible to receive 319(h) funding, as well as U.S. territories, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, for-profit businesses, and individuals. Although government agencies may apply, 319(h) funds cannot be used to fulfill a federal permit or use federal funds as match.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

Funding varies year-to-year, but approximately $180 million is available, with each state receiving varying portions.

Cost Share Requirements

The cost-share rate is 60% federal and 40% non-federal match, which can include in-kind contributions.

Application Cycle

The application cycle varies by state.


You can find your local contact here.

Other Info

This program is covered under the Justice40 Initiative