The National Fish Passage Program provides funding and direct technical assistance to restore rivers and conserve our nation’s aquatic resources by removing or bypassing barriers. The resulting infrastructure is more resilient to flooding and benefits communities by saving money in long-term repair and replacement costs.

Eligible Uses

NFPP funds a variety of project types including, but not limited to, dam removals, culvert replacements, floodplain restoration, and the installation of fishways.

  • Fish passage projects are not eligible for funding if they are for any Federal or State compensatory mitigation. 
  • Fish passage projects are not eligible for funding if fish passage is a condition provided by existing Federal or State regulatory programs. For example, you may not use fish passage funds to construct, operate, or maintain fish passage at facilities licensed or permitted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Eligible Recipients

Project proposals can be initiated by any individual, organization, government, or agency. 

Approx Annual Funding Amount

The National Fish Passage Program is funded by both annual appropriations and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Funding under annual appropriations total approximately $18 million each year while the BIL provided an additional $200 million in funding for projects over five years (FY2022-FY2026) (approximately $38 million per year). 

Cost Share Requirements

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service aims to prioritize a 1:1 match requirement, but the program does not require match.

Application Cycle

Notices of Funding Opportunity for both the annual funding and BIL funding are typically released in the fall of each year. Both applications require close coordination with USFWS staff (typically your regional coordinator) and may require the submission of a Letter of Intent. USFWS staff at field or regional offices will have all relevant information regarding application requirements and timelines. Your regional coordinator can be found here


Amy Horstman, National Fish Passage Coordinator (

Other Info

The National Fish Passage Program isn’t a grant program but a cooperative conservation program meaning that the program strategically identifies and develops projects with partners to ensure funding is used for the highest priority species and trust resources.