The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Sub-Program: Direct Technical Assistance (DTA) provides support and/or connects communities to experienced mentors for project or application-specific needs and community-wide resilience needs for up to 36 months.

Eligible Uses

DTA must: (1) improve the community’s capacity and capability to conduct mitigation activities, (2) increase the community’s resilience to natural hazards, or (3) identify projects that will holistically improve the community’s resilience and reduce risk.

FEMA may prioritize DTA for communities that: (1) have not received an award through BRIC, pre-disaster mitigation (PDM), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), or Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) within the past five years; (2) have not received Advance Assistance or capability- and capacity-building subaward under BRIC, PDM, FMA, or HMGP within the past five years; (3) are Tribal entities; (4) are designated as economically disadvantaged rural communities or a disadvantaged community as defined by E.O. 14008, including Tribal nations.

Eligible Recipients

Cities, townships, counties, special district governments, consortiums of two or more communities that fit into the above criteria, and federally recognized Tribal governments are eligible to apply.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

The annual funding amount varies; 20 communities were selected for DTA in 2022 and up to 40 may be selected for 2023.

Cost Share Requirements

Cost share is not required.

Application Cycle

  • September-January: Communities send letters of interest for DTA
  • February-March: FEMA reviews letters of interest
  • Spring: FEMA announces DTA selections


State Hazard Mitigation Officers

Other Info

This program is covered under the Justice40 Initiative.