The Training and Technical Assistance program aims to provide training and tools to improve small wastewater system operations and management practices. 

Eligible Uses

Training and technical assistance only (both on-site and remote training opportunities are eligible). Common categories of training includes:

  • Financial capacity (e.g., training on sustainable management practices)
  • Managerial capacity (e.g., planning for natural disaster related impacts)
  • Technical capacity building and assistance (e.g., training on evaluating treatment and/or infrastructure alternatives, educating local officials, identifying funding alternatives, implementing green infrastructure)

Eligible Recipients

Local governments, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations are eligible recipients. Nonprofit organizations that conduct political lobbying, like 501(c)(4) registered nonprofits, are not eligible for EPA funding.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

The program is funded at $18 million each year.

Cost Share Requirements

No cost share or match is required.

Application Cycle

Applications are typically due in August.


Matthew Richardson 

Other Info

  • Under this program, rural and small wastewater treatment systems are systems that treat up to 1 million gallons per day of wastewater or serve a population of less than 10,000 people. Systems that also serve operations, like hospitals, restaurants, and schools, also qualify.