Through the State Fire Assistance program, the Forest Service supports and assists State Foresters and local communities in building capacity for wildfire prevention, mitigation, control, and suppression on non-Federal lands. The program helps state agencies create more fire-adapted communities by implementing pre-fire prevention and mitigation programs and emphasizing pre-fire planning and risk reduction in the Wildland Urban Interface.

Eligible Uses

Projects that support states and local communities are eligible under this program.

Eligible Recipients

Local and tribal governments are eligible recipients.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

The program is funded at $17.6 million annually and funding is available for four years. 

Cost Share Requirements

A 1:1 non-federal cost share is required.

Application Cycle

Grants, financial, and technical assistance applications typically open in the 4th quarter.


The delivery system for State Fire Assistance is through the State Forester.

Other Info

The program funds important training in safer, more effective initial attack responses to wildfire. Additionally, the program improves capacity to assist other federal, state, and local agencies in aiding communities affected by fire and non-fire emergencies, such as hurricanes and floods.