The Pollinator-Friendly Practices on Roadsides and Highway Rights-of-Way Program (also referred to as the Roadside Pollinator Program) is an annual competitive grant program that awards grants to eligible entities to … Read more
The FY24 NOFO awarded all remaining funds authorized under BIL for the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program.
Funding from the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program (RCP Program) reconnects disjoined communities by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating transportation facilities such as highways and rail lines that block community connectivity. RCP funding is available through two grant programs: planning grants and capital construction grants. Technical assistance is additionally available throughout the pilot program (from FY 2022 to FY2026).
Eligible Uses
Both planning and construction grants are available under the RCP program to address infrastructure barriers, reconnect communities, and improve quality of life. Eligible projects can include high-quality public transportation and infrastructure removal. Green infrastructure, like linear parks and trails, roadway redesigns, complete street conversions, and main street revitalization, also qualify for funding. Natural features in transportation right-of-way or on surface transportation facilities are also eligible.
Eligible Recipients
States (including Puerto Rico) and local governments, tribal governments, metropolitan planning organizations, and non-profit organizations are all eligible recipients.
Approx Annual Funding Amount
Roughly $200 million (for both planning and capital construction grants combined) is annually available for a total of $1 billion over 5 years.
Cost Share Requirements
- Planning Grant: An 80% federal share with a 20% non-federal match (can include in-kind contributions accepted) is required
- Capital Construction Grant: A 50% federal share (other federal funding can be used to cover federal cost-share up to 80%) with a 50% non-federal match (non-federal match cannot be lower than 20%) is required.
Application Cycle
Applications are typically due in October.
- Faith Hall
- Phone: 202-366-9055
A Telecommunications Device for the Deaf is available for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing at 202-366-3993. In addition, DOT will post answers to questions and requests for clarifications on DOT’s website at
Other Info
This program is covered under the Justice40 Initiative.