In the Planning Assistance to States and Tribes Program (PAS), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) can provide two types of assistance for water and related resources planning efforts: 1) comprehensive water resources planning and 2) technical assistance.

Eligible Uses

Comprehensive water resources planning assistance includes planning for the development, use, and conservation of water and related resources of drainage basins, watersheds, or ecosystems. These plans can address problems and opportunities such as flood risk management, water supply, water conservation, environmental restoration, water quality, erosion, fish and wildlife, and cultural resources.

Technical assistance includes support for planning efforts related to water resources management and may include development and integration of hydrologic, economic, and environmental data and analyses. This may support water resource management plan priorities such as state hazard mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery plans, as well as plans associated with changing hydrologic conditions, climate change, long-term sustainability, and resilience.

As of March 2022, the USACE will use at least 25% of funds available for this program for work that would directly benefit disadvantaged communities by improving resilience to climate change.

Eligible Recipients

Eligible recipients are USACE non-federal sponsors including states, groups of states, federally recognized tribes, U.S. territories, and other non-federal entities.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

There is an annual program limit of $5 million per state, tribe, or territory. The program was funded at $9 million for Fiscal Year 2022, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law included $30 million to be available until expended.

Cost Share Requirements

The federal cost-share is 50%. There is a cost-share waiver for tribes and territories. For comprehensive water resource planning, the non-federal share can be provided by in-kind services.

Application Cycle

Projects can start on a rolling basis. To request assistance through this program, contact the PAS Program Manager or your local USACE district with a written request letter (sample letter). After determining a scope of work, costs, and other assistance elements, the USACE District Commander and local non-federal partner sign a Letter of Agreement.


See this linked document for contacts for USACE programs.

Other Info

  • This program is covered under the Justice40 Initiative.
  • The PAS program is also referred to as the Section 22 program. (See 42 U.S.C. §1962d–16.)