Through the Environmental Infrastructure Program (EI), also known as Section 219, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) provides assistance to non-federal entities for planning, design, and construction of water-related environmental infrastructure in specified municipalities, counties, and states. The program has been directed by recent legislation to focus on prioritizing assistance to underserved, economically distressed, and economically disadvantaged minority communities.

Eligible Uses

Support for publicly owned and operated facilities, such as water distribution works, stormwater collection, surface water protection projects, and environmental restoration. Projects under this program must be specifically authorized by Congress.

Eligible Recipients

Eligible recipients are USACE non-federal sponsors, which includes legally-constituted public entities and nonprofit entities, for projects in specified municipalities, counties, and states and with recent prioritization of assistance to underserved, economically distressed, and economically disadvantaged minority communities.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

The program was not funded in Fiscal Year 2024 though a number of specific Section 219 projects did receive funding. The program was funded at $13 million for Fiscal Year 2022 and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law included $200 million for EI to be available until expended. Each EI authority also has its own funding caps and geographic focus areas according to Congressional authorization.

Cost Share Requirements

Most EI assistance has a federal cost-share of 75% for total design costs or total project costs, requiring a 25% non-federal cost-share. The non-federal partner will own the project/facility and be responsible for all operation and maintenance costs. The federal cost-share is limited to $5 million. The non-federal sponsor can receive credit up to a limit for in-kind contributions of land, obtaining permits, design, and other work.

Application Cycle

To request EI assistance, submit a written request for assistance to your local USACE district. Projects must be eligible according to authorizing language from Congress for the program and follow a Project Partnership Agreement (see model agreements).


See this linked document for contacts for USACE programs.

Other Info

EI is covered by Justice40 for projects that are for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration (Construction and Investigations) or for Flood and Storm Damage Reduction (Construction and Investigations).