The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program is the largest source of federal funding for clean water infrastructure projects, including green infrastructure. This federal-state partnership provides grants to states and states use this funding to make low-interest loans to communities for wastewater and stormwater infrastructure projects.

Eligible Uses

Water infrastructure projects that improve water quality. See EPA’s Overview of CWSRF Eligibilities for additional detail. See EPA’s guidance for state SRF programs to implement the funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

  • Construction of publicly owned treatment works
  • Nonpoint source projects
  • National estuary program projects
  • Decentralized wastewater treatment systems (e.g., septic systems and tanks)
  • Stormwater (gray and green infrastructure)
  • Water conservation, efficiency, and reuse
  • Watershed pilot projects
  • Energy efficiency projects
  • Water reuse projects
  • Security measures at publicly owned treatment works
  • Technical assistance
  • Planning

Eligible Recipients

State, local, and tribal governments are eligible recipients for CWSRF.

Approx Annual Funding Amount

The CWSRF is authorized at $3 billion for FY2024 and $3.25 billion for FY2025 and FY2026.

However, H.R. 4366, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024,” provided $1.638 billion for FY2024, of which $787 million is earmarked for Community Project Funding Items/Congressionally Directed Spending items for municipal water infrastructure projects.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided an additional $11.7 billion over five years (FY2022 to FY 2026) to the CWSRF for wastewater and stormwater projects and $1 billion over five years specifically to address emerging contaminants, including perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in wastewater, stormwater, and nonpoint source pollution.

Cost Share Requirements

States typically contribute 20% to match the federal grants, although the supplemental funding provided through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law have a 10% state match requirement.

Application Cycle

State deadlines vary but state SRF agencies develop Intended Use Plans (IUPs) which have a 60-day public comment period after which state SRF agencies submit the IUPs to EPA for approval.


See your State Contacts for CWSRF and list of each state’s financial or CWSRF assistance website.

Other Info

  • This program is covered under the Justice40 Initiative.
  • States are required to allocate at least 10% of their annual funding for green infrastructure, water efficiency, energy efficiency, and other environmentally innovative projects. Up to 30% of funds are also provided as additional subsidization in the form of grants, principal forgiveness, and negative interest loans to help communities that cannot afford to take out a normal low-interest loan.
  • The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided $11.7 billion over five years through the CWSRF to communities for water infrastructure projects, 49% of which must be provided as grants and forgivable loans to municipalities that meet the state’s affordability criteria. EPA’s Green Project Reserve requirements also apply to this funding.